Helping to Defend the United States Against Biological Threats

We recommend and promote changes to U.S. policy and law that strengthen national biodefense while optimizing biodefense resources.

All of us at the Commission are in shock and are heartbroken at news that Senator Lieberman has died suddenly and unexpectedly. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Hadassah, their children, and extended family.

We all were the beneficiaries of Joe’s many years of selfless public service, his kindness, and civility. Joe was the definition of a Mensch – a person of great integrity and honor. He always put others first and always worked to better our nation, to which he tirelessly devoted so much of his energy. He had an indefatigable spirit that always pushed our work forward.

For nearly ten years, Joe was my co-chair here at the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense. He cared deeply about the mission, for sure. Even more, he cared about each of our fellow Commissioners and the staff, all of whom I know are personally grieving at this tremendous loss. May his memory be a blessing.

Tom Ridge
March 27, 2024

Who we are

Our Commissioners

Protecting U.S. public health security beyond party lines.

“You have to enable and empower people to make decisions independent of you. As I’ve learned, each person on a team is an extension of your leadership; if they feel empowered by you they will magnify your power to lead.”

—Governor Tom Ridge

National Blueprint for Biodefense

Not just words on pages. A call for immediate action. This comprehensive report lays out in 36 recommendations the actions needed to strengthen federal policies and address gaps that leave us all unnecessarily vulnerable to a biological incident.

Apollo Program for Biodefense

With the same ambition as the first U.S. mission to the Moon, this program seeks to eliminate pandemics in 10 years and empower the nation to lead the world technologically in combatting all biological threats.

Germ Warfare: A Very Graphic History

In partnership with Max Brooks (author of World War Z), the Commission presents an engaging graphic novel depicting previous biological warfare events and possibilities for the future.


Learn about the more than 500 federal entities and 150 Congressional committees and sub-committees that comprise our nation’s biodefense enterprise.

Click here to


in the

“The job of our Commission is to anticipate the future. There is an urgency in every level of government, in every healthcare institution, to be organized and to be ready.”

—Secretary Donna Shalala

What you can do


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