Virtual Workshop

Securing Agriculture, Food, and its Economy (SAFE) with Cyberbiosecurity

Tuesday October 6, 2020

Public trust in our food supply is contingent on protecting the agricultural and food system, from original source, through processing, transportation, and retail delivery to the consumer. The food and agricultural system influences over 20% of the nation’s economy and 15% of American jobs. With the rapid transition to technological and digital data management in a global market, securing our nation’s agricultural and food supply and the associated agribusinesses is at increasing risk. Susceptibility to a variety of cyber-attacks, such as unauthorized data injection, unauthorized control of automated systems, and vulnerability of machine learning algorithms that jeopardize biological and process-based data, can jeopardize public trust in the system. Just as the healthcare industry has recognized the need for protection of health data for individuals, the food and agricultural system needs strategies and resources for protecting biological and other data sources for agribusinesses.

Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense Executive Director, Dr. Asha M. George will join other thought leaders and influencers to discuss common food and agricultural system challenges, scenarios, outcomes and risks to various sectors of the system, cyberbiosecurity strategies, gaps in workforce and training, and research and policy needs. Prepare to hear a high level and integrated conversation of the food, agriculture, and cybersecurity industries and academic community to address security of our nation’s bioeconomy.

More information and registration for the virtual event is available at Virginia Tech.