Press Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:  Steve Aaron, SRA Communications, (717) 554-8614,  ***MEDIA ADVISORY*** MEETING OF BLUE RIBBON STUDY PANEL ON BIODEFENSE TO ADDRESS NATIONAL BIODEFENSE STRATEGY: IMPLEMENTATION AND IMPLICATIONS  WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nov 1, 2017) – The Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense will host a public meeting examining the National...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:  Steve Aaron, SRA Communications, (717) 554-8614, NEW REPORT FROM BLUE RIBBON STUDY PANEL ON BIODEFENSE FINDS ANIMAL AGRICULTURE INCREASINGLY THREATENED – CALLS FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ‘Defense of Animal Agriculture’ Provides Specific Recommendations for Protecting One of the Largest Sectors of U.S. Economy WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct....

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Contact:  Steve Aaron, SRA Communications, (717) 554-8614, BLUE RIBBON STUDY PANEL: U.S. NOT PREPARED TO IDENTIFY PERPETRATORS OF BIOLOGICAL CRIMES, TERRORISM, PROLIFERATION, AND WARFARE  Effective Prosecution Depends on the Ability to Attribute Crimes, But U.S. Government Lacks Microbial Forensic Capability WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct. 3, 2017)...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 13, 2017 CONTACT: Sue Walitsky (Cardin) 202-224-4524 Ian Jannetta (Van Hollen) 202-228-0672 Jaime Lennon (Ruppersberger) 410-746-7954 Will McDonald (Delaney) 202-225-2721  Cardin and Van Hollen, Ruppersberger and Delaney Call on President Trump Not to Sacrifice America’s Chemical and Biological Defenses “The risk of biological and chemical agents being used is...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Steve Aaron, SRA Communications, (717) 554-8614, BLUE RIBBON STUDY PANEL ON BIODEFENSE STATEMENT ON PROPOSED CLOSURE OF BIODEFENSE LABORATORY WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 10, 2017) - Senator Joseph Lieberman and Governor Tom Ridge, the co-chairs of the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense, today...