Author: devblue

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Contact:  Steve Aaron, SRA Communications, (717) 554-8614,   ***PRESS RELEASE***   BEST-SELLING AUTHOR MAX BROOKS AND BLUE RIBBON STUDY PANEL ON BIODEFENSE PROVIDE A 'VERY GRAPHIC HISTORY' OF GERM WARFARE  New Graphic Novel Reminds Us Never to Take Public Health for Granted   WASHINGTON, D.C.  (April 23, 2019) –...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Contact:  Steve Aaron, SRA Communications, (717) 554-8614,   ***PRESS RELEASE*** CONGRESS REQUIRES ANALYSIS OF FEDERAL BIODEFENSE SPENDING,  TAKES ANOTHER STEP FORWARD TO EXECUTE PANEL RECOMMENDATION TO UNIFY BIODEFENSE BUDGET   New law directs OMB to conduct detailed analysis of the Administrations's  budget for biodefense activities as part of annual budget...