Press Releases

                      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE       Contact: Steve Aaron SRA Communications (717) 554-8614 BIPARTISAN COMMISSION ON BIODEFENSE RECEIVES $5.2 MILLION GRANT FROM OPEN PHILANTHROPY   WASHINGTON, D.C. (Aug. 23, 2022) – The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense today announced a $5.2 million grant from Open Philanthropy to support the...

June 28, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Aaron SRA Communications (717) 554-8614  APOLLO COMMUNICATIONS KIT Dear Friends: The emergence of monkeypox and the depopulation of tens of millions of chickens and turkeys across a majority of states due to avian influenza highlight that COVID-19 is far from the only biological...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:   Steve Aaron SRA Communications (717) 554-8614  BIPARTISAN COMMISSION ON BIODEFENSE HIGHLIGHTS UNIQUE ROLE OF NATION’S LAND-GRANT UNIVERSITIES IN SAFEGUARDING AMERICA’S FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Land-Grant Universities Engage in Innovative Research and Development, Cooperative Extension Activities, and Disaster Response WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 9, 2022) – A new report...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:   Steve Aaron SRA Communications (717) 554-8614  THE U.S. CAN END PANDEMICS WITHIN A DECADE New Report from the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense Provides Steps to Effectively Execute The Apollo Program for Biodefense WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 12, 2022) – Today, the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense released a timely report containing...

Proposed budget includes a historic $88.2 billion for pandemic preparedness   WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 31, 2022) – The Biden Administration’s proposed FY 2023 budget, unveiled by The White House this week, includes $88.2 billion in funding to enable America to rapidly produce and deliver medical countermeasures against...

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 Requires Annual Assessment and Formalizes Leadership of Biological Intelligence Activities WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 18, 2022) – Legislation signed into law this week requires an annual, comprehensive report on biological intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination, and formally puts the head of the National...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Aaron SRA Communications (717) 554-8614 APOLLO TOOLKIT FOR STAKEHOLDERS   Dear Friends: Thank you for your ongoing interest in and support of the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense. Whether helping to inform our special reports or sharing your knowledge by appearing at one of our public meetings, you...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Aaron SRA Communications (717) 554-8614 COMMISSION RECEIVES $1.35 MILLION GRANT TO HELP TAKE PREEMPTIVE ACTION AGAINST BIOLOGICAL THREATS TO THE UNITED STATES   WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 1, 2022) – The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense today announced receiving a $1.35 million grant from Open Philanthropy. With this  sixth...

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE             Contact: Steve Aaron SRA Communications (717) 554-8614   Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs to Meet Feb. 17   WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 15, 2022) – Dr. Asha M. George, Executive Director of the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense, will testify as an expert witness before the...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Aaron SRA Communications (717) 554-8614 COMMISSION RECEIVES $1.35 MILLION GRANT TO HELP TAKE PREEMPTIVE ACTION AGAINST BIOLOGICAL THREATS TO THE UNITED STATES   WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 1, 2022) – The Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense today announced receiving a $1.35 million grant from Open Philanthropy. With this  sixth...